The Technical Summary of 5th RNAS meeting 2
Workshop Programme
1. Review of sub-projects
a) Application of immunodiagnosis kits
b) Standardization of ultrasonography protocol
c) Animal schistosomiasis
2. Country reports
a) Human prevalence in Cambodia, China, Indonesia and the Philippines
b) Animal revalence studies
3. International collaborative programme
a) GNOSIS (Rockefeller foundation)
b) STEP in Philippines (NIH)
c) Control of Intestinal Helminths in Asia/Pacific (WPRO)
d) Second National Survey of Important Parasitic Diseases in China (MOH China/UNICEF/WHO)
4. Scientific reports
1. Review of sub-projects
a) Application of immunodiagnosis kits
b) Standardization of ultrasonography protocol
c) Animal schistosomiasis
2. Country reports
a) Human prevalence in Cambodia, China, Indonesia and the Philippines
b) Animal revalence studies
3. International collaborative programme
a) GNOSIS (Rockefeller foundation)
b) STEP in Philippines (NIH)
c) Control of Intestinal Helminths in Asia/Pacific (WPRO)
d) Second National Survey of Important Parasitic Diseases in China (MOH China/UNICEF/WHO)
4. Scientific reports