the 2nd RNAS meeting

13:00 Progress Report 
Chairperson: Dr Chen Minggang
Rapporteur: Dr Luz Acosta

3) Immunology of schistosomiasis  Dr.Luz Pablo Acosta/Lydia Leonardo 
4) New diagnostic approaches  Dr. Zhu Yinchang
5) Anthropogenic environmental changes related to schistosomiasis transmission in the Philippines, Updated on development of Preziquental timed release bolus for bovines.  Dr. Lee Willingham
6) Calpain-mediated protection and disease prevention in murine experimental schistosomiasis japonica.       Dr Nobuo Ohta
7) Development of a safe, effective and affordable vaccine for schistosomiasis                    Dr Don McManus
8) Minimum medical database for geographic information system in schistosomiasis                   Dr John B Malone

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 Round Table Discussions 
    GroupⅠ(Epidemiology): Chairperson: Dr Steve Wayling 
    Rapporteur: Dr Luz Acosta

    GroupⅡ(Immunology): Chairperson: Dr R Bergquist
        Rapporteur: Dr Lydia Leonardo

    Topic: Development of RNAS into a long-term platform for regional collaboration on schistosomiasis research and control and the possibility of funding raising.

18:00 Dinner