Strengtherning Regional Network
Strengtherning Regional Network for Asian Schistosomiasis (SRNAS)
(WHO funded proposal)
The objectives of the project are to strengthen the Reginal Network for Asian Schistosomiasis (RNAS), which was established through the regional project supported by TDR (T16/181/481, 1999-2001), to share the expertineces in the region through technical training on priority issues, and to study on the priority issues urged by field control. In this proposal, the netwoking, information exchange, technical training and research are integrated under four subjects:
1. to strengthen communication among parasitologists, to exchange updated information in control, serveillance and research on Asian schistosomiasis through network group meeting once a year.
2. to apply Dipstick Dye Immunoassay kit and fast ELISA kit , which were Asia-developed, in endemic areas of Loas and Cambodia, and to deliver technical training when the kits are evaluated in the field.
3. to standardize the protocol of ultrasound examination for the patients of schistosomiasis, to allow correct assessment of morbidity and pathlogical changes due to the infection.
4. to review and investigate the role of animals in transmission of Asian schstosomiasis to human in dfferent endemic areas, providing scientifc base for control and surveillance strategies
Development on forecast system of schistosomiasis by application of GIS/RS techniques in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze River in China
Project Coordinator:
Zhou Xiaonong, PhD, Professor, Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases
Investigation Institutions:
- Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases
- Jiangxi Institute of Parasitic Diseases
- Anhui Institute of Parasitic Diseases
- Hubei Institute of Parasitic Diseases
- Hunan Institute of Parasitic Diseases
- School of Public of Health, Shanghai Medical University
- Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine
To fast predict the schistosomiasis status in China and the influences of natural or social factors, such as floods, the Three Gorge Dam Project, on transmission of schistosomiasis and distribution of snail habitats by establishment of the GIS/RS forecast systems on schistosomiasis in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze River, in order to provide the scientific basis for strategies formulation in schistosomiasis control programme in PR China.
The following four special objectives will be achieved to establish the GIS/RS forecast system:
- Establishment of the geographic distribution maps of schistosomiasis and relevant databases in the middle and lower basin region.
- Analysis of influence of flood in 1998 on distribution of snail habitats in the region.
- Assessment of effects of “returning wetland to the lake”on snail distribution and transmission of schistosomiasis.
- Evaluation and monitoring marshland changes and snail habitats changes due to the Three Gorge Dam project.