Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases
1. Background
The Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases (JIPD) is located in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. It was founded in July, 1950 named as “Eastern China Institute for Schistosomiasis Control” under the leadership of Committee on Administration in Eastern China, Ministry of Health. It was one of the earliest institutions for schistosomiasis control in China. In 1953, it was renamed as “Jiangsu Institute of Schistosomiasis Control” under the leadership of Department of Health, Jiangsu Government. In 1959, the Parasitic Diseases Institute in Jiangsu, Chinese Academy of Medicine moved from Nanjing into Wuxi, and two institutes were immerged into one institution as Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases.
At present, there are 103 professional staff, including 16 of Professors, Associate Professors, or Chief Doctors, Vice-chief Doctors, 36 of Assistant Professors, Doctors in Charge, and 51 of Doctors or Technicians. Among scientists, 5 are with PhD degrees, 6 with MSc degrees, 3 are master students and one is PhD student.
The institute focuses on three main tasks, i.e. scientific research, field services in national control programme and professional training in parasitic diseases. With the development of scientific research and field services, the unique virtues in JIPD are as follows:
- The institute was granted as one of the first batch of institutions to award the MSc degree for graduate student in 1981, since then 21 MSc students have been graduated from the institute.
- Sponsored by Ministry of Health, the Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control was edited and published in the institute, and the journal has been cited in Helminthes Abstract in UK.
- The institute was received Institution Strengthening Grants from TDR in 1988 and 1990, respectively. Through the TDR grants, the advanced research facilities were equipped and 11 junior scientists were trained abroad. Four of junior scientists have hold the PhD degrees, two are studying leading for PhD degree.
- A Collaboration Project on Schistosomiasis Research, in cooperation with Danish Center for Experimental Parasitology, was approved by the 10th Meeting of Sino-Danish Collaboration Committee in 1996.
- A provincial key laboratory named as Jiangsu Key Laboratory on Molecular Biology of Parasites was established in the institute in 1996, funded by Jiangsu Committee on Science and Technology with amount of 3.3 million RMB for three years.
- A new laboratory building with 1500 M2 of floor areas was set up in 1991, equipped with 2 sterilized rooms, and standard animal rooms. In the laboratory, a total of 611 sets of advanced equipment were opened to all researchers, such as Nucleic Acid/Protein Analyzer, GS-700 Densitometer, Gel Doc 1000 UV Gel Documentation System, Gen Sequence System (GT/power Pac 3000 system), Gel Dryer (Model 583), Gene Pulser, Rotorfor Accessories for Electrophoresis, Microplate Reader (Model 550), a serious of centrifuges, Universal Multifunctional Detection System, fast Protein Liquid Chromatography System (FPLC), etc.
2.International Collaboration
The international collaboration on scientific research and information exchange have been initiated since 1953. Trigged by Institution Strengthening Grants from TDR, the international exchange has been strengthened gradually since 1988, more scientists and experts form Denmark, USA, UK, Japan, Australia, and WHO/TDR visited the institute and gave the lectures for more than 40 times.
A Collaboration Project on Schistosomiasis Research in cooperation with Danish Center for Experimental Parasitology was initiated, more cooperation projects will be carried out both in China and in Denmark.Up to now, more than 20 scientists have been sent abroad for