1st International Symposium on Geospatial Health
The 1st International Symposium on Geospatial Health
Second Announcement
8 – 10 September 2007, Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China
The First International Symposium on Geospatial Health will be jointly hosted by the Global Network on Geospatial Health, RNAS+ and the National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Shanghai, China. It will be held in the ancient town of Lijiang, Yunnan Province,China from 8 - 10 September 2007, directly following the meeting of the Regional Network on Asian Schistosomiasis. The symposium is intended to serve as a forum for the exchange on Geospatial Health issues and will include general paper presentations and concurrent workshops. The focus will be on the control of fish-borne parasites in Asia but contributions on other parasites are also welcome.